How to choose an eyelash curler? Types of eyelash curlers

The eyelash curler curls the lashes and, hence, makes our eyes look bigger. Improperly chosen or used will not improve the appearance of our lashes and also weaken their condition. So how do we choose the eyelash curler and what are their types? What are the differences between mechanical and heated curlers? Can they destroy your eyelashes?

Eyelash curler – types

Mechanical and heated eyelash curlers are two basic types of eyelash curlers.

Mechanical eyelash curler

Here, the choice is huge. Individual models differ in size (there are narrower and wider curlers) and the material from which they are made (plastic and metal eyelash curlers). In general, the metal ones are safer for eyelashes and give long-lasting results. Their additional advantage is the possibility of replacing silicon or rubber pads. In turn, the least durable and effective are plastic eyelash curlers that weaken and break your lashes.

Heated eyelash curler

This is a common name for mini-curlers and classic battery-operated eyelash curlers. They heat up slightly, curl the lashes giving a lasting effect – it lasts longer than that of the mechanical curler.

The size of the tool is equally important. The curlers that cover the entire upper lash line at once are incomparably more comfortable to use and ore effective than those that require changing the position. When it comes to the shape, eyelash curlers with rounded ends give a more natural effect than those with square.

Eyelash curler – how to use it?

Once the types have been established, it’s time to learn how to use the eyelash curler. It is very important because improperly used tool can deteriorate the condition of your lashes to a large extent.

The heated eyelash curler should be equipped with an instruction sheet. Its use resembles the application of mascara, but instead of painting, it curls our hair. Mechanical and battery-operated curlers are more complicated to use. In order to obtain desired effects, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. The mechanical curler should always go before mascara. Why? Because when the wax in mascara sticks to the tool, the eyelashes can stick to it as well.
  2. If your eyelashes are stiff and thick, you can heat up the metal mechanical eyelash curler with a stream of warm air from the dryer. Make sure it is not too hot as not to burn the eyelids. It’s enough if it’s slightly warm.
  3. Hold the tool firmly. If your hand is trembling, you can accidentally break your lashes. To prevent this, it’s good to put your hand on your cheek.
  4. The best way to grab the curler is with your thumb and middle finger as it gives you more control over the process. However, if you prefer to use your forefinger, stick to it.
  5. Curl your eyelashes in stages. The curler should be clamped down on your lashes for a few seconds (no more than 10). Place the tool as close to the eyelash line as possible, clamp down and wait. Then repeat the procedure.
  6. There is no need to curl the bottom lashes as they are naturally curled.

Does the eyelash curler destroy your eyelashes?

A properly chosen and skilfully used eyelash curler will not deteriorate the condition of eyelashes. To make the right choice, pay attention to a few aspects:

  • A mechanical eyelash curler should have a rubber pad in the place where it clamps eyelashes. The pad functions like a shock absorber protecting eyelashes from any kind of damage.
  • It is not worth buying a plastic eyelash curler because it is unstable.
  • When using the heated eyelash curler, we cannot allow it to overheat. Otherwise, we’ll burn our eyelashes and eyelids.
  • Never use the curler after applying mascara. It can cause eyelash loss at the worst.

Mechanical and heated eyelash curlers – price

Generally speaking, the electric eyelash curler is more than three times as expensive as the mechanical one, but also more effective and faster to use. Nevertheless, every woman should decide for herself which type of the eyelash curler she likes more.