How to take care of eyelashes? Ways for healthy, long and thick eyelashes

All women dream of long and thick eyelashes but not everyone is lucky enough to have them. Fortunately, there are some ways to help nature a bit to finally have dreamy lashes. What to do to have healthy, long and thick eyelashes? Is it enough to use castor oil or a simple eyelash serum, or is it necessary to make use of modern conditioners with substances used in ophthalmology? Before the effective methods for healthy, long and thick eyelashes are presented, let’s check how many eyelashes we lose each day.

How many eyelashes fall out each day?

On the upper eyelid there are from 150 to 200 eyelashes, and on the lower eyelid from 50 to 150. Those on the upper eyelid are from 8 to 12 mm long, and on the lower eyelid from 6 to 8 mm. Losing 3 lashes at most is considered the norm. In the case you lose more, you should see a dermatologist.

How to take care of eyelashes?

We have established that every woman dreams of long and thick eyelashes, but not everyone has them. To solve this problem, many women decide to try false eyelashes or apply a few layers of mascara. However, there are better ways to make them beautiful, for example:

 Effective eyelash care products

Such cosmetics strengthen and enhance the growth of eyelashes. They can be used alone or as a mascara primer. In the second case – apart from moisturising and nourishing, they will additionally visually thicken and generally emphasize eye make-up. The eyelash serum can be applied to the upper and lower eyelashes.

The effects are only visible provided that the serum is used for some time. Already a small layer is enough if it is applied every day.

The properties of both conditioner and serum can be found in eyelash balms. Practically speaking, this product regenerates and lengthens our eyelashes.

Proper care habits

Breaking bad habits is enough to notice positive effects on the condition of your eyelashes. Since they are delicate, don’t rub your eyes or even touch them in any way that can cause mechanical damage. Also, change your mascara on a regular basis and the brush to get rid of clumps. To prevent your eyelashes from crushing, every evening carefully remove the make-up using only cosmetics intended for this purpose, i.e. delicate make-up removers. Also, you can replace eyelash serums with a conditioning mascara that will improve both the appearance and the condition of your lashes. You can use petroleum jelly or olive oil instead of serum. To accelerate the growth of eyelashes you can use compresses of green tea leaves or grated lemon peel drenched in olive oil.

Healthy diet

Eyelash care is important, but it may not be enough. It is worth to include a balanced diet rich in vitamins and healthy fats.

Ways for healthy, long and thick eyelashes

1. Castor oil

Castor oil is an old and effective way for long and thick eyelashes. It has merging and regenerating properties, it rebuilds the structure of eyelashes, thickens and darkens them. Unfortunately, due to its runny consistency, it drips off the eyelids and can irritate the conjunctiva. To prevent this, pour a small amount of castor oil on a cotton pad and apply it to the lashes this way.

2. Eyelash serum

You can also use eyelash serum to improve the condition of your lashes. Such products nourish them also stimulating their growth. It’s recommended to choose eyelash serums that contain:

  • hyaluronic acid, which has moisturising properties,
  • glycoproteins that stimulate the hair follicles and thus accelerate the growth of eyelashes, – biotin and vitamin B12, which prevent eyelash loss,
  • nanopeptides that accelerate and prolong the eyelash growth phase,
  • panthenol which complements the structure of eyelashes,
  • plant extracts with antioxidant, moisturising and regenerating properties.

3. Modern eyelash serum with substances used in ophthalmology

Another way to improve the condition of eyelashes are conditioners in which not only plant ingredients and peptides were used, but also substances used in ophthalmology. The latter intensively accelerate the growth of eyelashes and inhibit their loss.

Eyelash serum – is it recommended?

A properly chosen eyelash care product is just the beginning. Why?

First of all, for it to be effective, it should be used regularly and for a long time – exactly as long as recommended by the manufacturer on the packaging. Some eyelash conditioners are applied in the evening, just after removing the make-up, and spread either on whole eyelashes (in order to moisturise them and give the elasticity) or only at the base (to nourish and stimulate hair follicles). Other conditioners are applied not only in the evening but also in the morning. Also, there are others applied just before mascara. This action is aimed at nourishing, protecting and slightly extend the length of eyelashes.

Second of all, improperly removed make-up weakens both the condition of eyelashes and the serum’s effects. Why? Because improperly removed mascara irritates the skin of the eyelids causing eyelash loss. That’s why this process need to be precise and delicate.

Third of all, even a good eyelash conditioner will be useless if we often undergo invasive cosmetic treatments and improperly use various cosmetic accessories, such as eyelash curlers.